Hi my lovely readers! Woooosh! 10 days of September gone.

It feels nice, when the days are actually used somewhat productively. I’m sure this is linked to having better mental health days, although unsure how (haha!).

Speaking of mental health… I wrote a brain dump, regarding my own mental health. I decided to delete it a while later. I feel I need to disclose this because I am trying to be more open. In all honesty I didn’t feel comfortable sharing it all online.

Anywho, I had previously written a blog with goals for September. Here is an update as we are a 1/3rd of the way into the month.

1. Finish Qur’an

I have tried reading every day and achieved this 8/10 days so far. These last 2 days where a miss.

However, I’ve noticed that even if I don’t hit the goal every single day, the days that I do get it, will make a difference.

Imagine getting something done 200 out of 365 days of a year. This would make a bigger difference than just giving up after missing one day, because you think “hey I won’t achieve my whole goal of 365 days”.

2. make diet healthier!

I have managed to incorporate a salad into one of my meals roughly every single day so far!

If you are interested I will do a post about the best places to shop for healthy on the go meals.

3. Iron and prepare all outfits before university

I haven’t even started this yet as there’s plenty of time. On the other hand, if I’ve got nothing else to do I might as well use this time to get it done!

Bonus: study this month!

Have not even attempted this.

🛏 Fix sleep schedule!

• put phone away an hour before bed time

Man. This is a tough one for me. I love using my phone before bed and can go on it for at-least an hour. Not good considering I am trying to get rid of some massive eye bags. My aim is to take this a lot more seriously from now on!

There are two great quotes that I have seen- (you’ve guessed it, from Pinterest!).

1. Forget everything about your past when re-inventing yourself. Every label and action. Both good and bad. Especially good. Wooo! Easy to hit restart this way. No baggage.

2. The 5 day rule. Use 5 days to create a habit. After that treat it as a ritual which I can’t give up. I will definitely be talking more about this in another post too!

Let me know what you think. How has September been for you so far?

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